
Showing posts from 2018

"We Have a Duty to be Kind and to Comfort, Whatever Form it Takes"

I was touched by the thoughtful comment left by Dr. Money-Kyrle below on a recent blog post of Professor Edzard Ernst with the title: The Use of CAM in palliative Care is Highly Problematic. Note: I have reproduced it in its entirety in an easier to read format. You can read the original post and comment section by clicking HERE Dr Julian Money-Kyrle on Thursday 23 August 2018 at 02:22 "I have limited experience of other terminal diseases, but when someone receives a cancer diagnosis, one of the most distressing things is the uncertainty of what will happen and when, and another is the feeling of being out of control. The patient has lost control of their body, of all the plans for their life, of how they can cope for themselves, and indeed how they can organise any sort of normal life around out-patient appointments, biopsies, operations, staging scans, treatment sessions, radiotherapy, chemotherapy… Then there are the symptoms from the cancer itself: pain, loss of ap